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Professional Academy

Philippines Employment Law Masterclass 2023





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Workplace and Employment Law

Philippines Employment Law Masterclass 2023

Course Code:


Course Type:

On line

IBF Terms and Conditions

Course Duration

6 Hours



Mode of Delivery


Course schedule

 Day 1: 9am to 5pm (Includes 1hr break at 12nn)

Course Overview

This course will provide lawyers, human resource professionals, executives, and employers in general guidance on key legal and compliance considerations in the Philippines, especially since new ways of working become increasingly embedded as the pandemic begins to recede.

This course is designed for

  • Human Resource Practitioners

  • Industrial Relations Practitioners

  • Line Mangers/ Executives

  • Business Owners

  • Professionals with responsibility of overseeing employees

Course outline

1. Employing in the Philippines

  • The basics: governing law, security of tenure and categories of workers

  • Gig-economy

  • Pre-engagement considerations

2. The Employment Relationship

  • Management prerogative, labor standards and employee entitlements and benefits

3. Employee Protection

  • Privacy

  • Work discrimination and harassment

  • Mental health in the workplace

4. Termination of Employment

  • Just Cause for Termination

  • Authorized Cause for Termination

  • Mutual Separation

5. Remote Working and Working Onsite

  • Telecommuting and Work-From-Home

  • Vaccination and other health and safety requirements

6. Unions and Work Councils

7. Recent developments and Pending Legislation

The Trainers

Rashel Ann c. Pomoy


V&A LAW Villaraza & Angangco

Ms. Pomoy represents domestic and international clients on all aspects of employment and industrial relations. She provides clients with timely and accurate advice, delivered in the most comprehensible manner. Ms. Pomoy frequently assists clients in drafting employment policies, handbooks, releases and severance agreements, as well as non-competition agreements.

Ms. Pomoy also has extensive experience litigating single and multi-plaintiff cases before the National Labor Relations Commission on a wide range of employment issues.

Ms. Pomoy has conducted seminars and lectures, local and international on Philippine labor law. Ms. Pomoy is a co-author of the Philippine chapter of the Tenth and Eleventh editions of the Employment Law Review.

Rashel Ann c. Pomoy

Training Partners


Professional Academy

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Contact: +65 6381 6373


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PLQ 2 Paya Lebar Quarter
Singapore 408533


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